The path to success starts with an efficient transport concept.

Your benefits as a duisport customer: Maximum efficiency through dependable and cost-effective multimodal transportation chains.

In the Port of Duisburg, you can bundle sufficient volumes of freight flows and establish competitive transport concepts with optimum pre and onward carriage. In the case of combined traffic, most of the distance is covered by rail or ship in order to utilize the economic advantages offered by these transport methods for long distances and high freight transport capacities. Pre and onward carriage by truck for small distributions is kept as short as possible.

B2B booking platform

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Get direct access to the largest hinterland network to/from Duisburg and use our dynamic routescanner. As a planner for combined transport, train and barge services are automatically combined.

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Simply click on our route scanner below.
Furthermore, direct booking requests are possible via the B2B booking platform.

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Hafen Duisburg duisport

Rail transport

Schienenverkehr Lokführer duisport

duisport plays a central role in international rail transport; it is the leading rail transport hub in Europe, acting as a gateway to the large seaports.

Every year, duisport connects 30 national and international railway service providers and operators with 25,000 trains that depart to more than 100 destinations throughout Europe, such as Antwerp, and to transcontinental destinations, such as Chongqing, China.

At the port itself, duisport’s own trains provide local feeder services, ensuring seamless connections between the various terminals.

In combined transportation, Duisburg links the seaports on the North Sea with the production and logistics locations of the Rhine-Ruhr region: For example, duisport’s own shuttle train has a daily connection from Duisburg to Antwerp, and since the beginning of the year a weekly connection links Duisburg with the JadeWeserPort, Germany’s only deep water harbor.

The regional shuttle trains operated by duisport offer connections to:

  • Marl (Chemical Park)
  • Marl (Metro warehouse)
  • Bönen

To rail service

UE Grant Information / Dofinasowanie unijne

Duisport Rail Zug

We inform that the company in 2018 year has received funding within the Operational Programme infrastructure and Environment under action 3.2 Development of maritime transport, inland waterways and multimodal connections priority axis III development of the network The TEN-T road and transport multimodal Operational Programme infrastructure and Environment 2014 – 2020.

As part of our project, we inform about the functioning of the mechanism to signal potential irregularities or fraud. We inform you about the possibility of communicating suspected irregularities or fraud in particular by:
a) as special e-mail address or
b) electronic filing system through a dedicated website.

The tool is available on the website of the managing authority of the Operational Programme infrastructure and environment at:

Informujemy, że spółka w 2018 roku otrzymała dofinasowanie w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko w ramach Działania 3.2 Rozwój transportu morskiego, śródlądowych dróg wodnych i połączeń multimodalnych oś priorytetowa III Rozwój sieci drogowej TEN-T i transportu multimodalnego Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014 – 2020.

W ramach realizacji naszego projektu, informujemy o funkcjonowaniu mechanizmu umożliwiającego sygnalizowanie potencjalnych nieprawidłowości lub nadużyć finansowych. Informujemy o możliwości przekazywania informacji o podejrzeniu wystąpienia nieprawidłowości lub nadużycia finansowego w szczególności poprzez:
a) specjalny adres e-mail lub
b) elektroniczny system zgłoszeń za pośrednictwem dedykowanej strony internetowej.

Narzędzie dostępne jest na stronie Instytucji Zarządzającej Programem Operacyjnym Infrastruktura i Środowisko pod adresem:


Do you have questions? We are happy to help.

Peter Plewa
duisport agency GmbH
Managing Director duisport agency GmbH

Alte Ruhrorter Straße 42–52
47119 Duisburg

Tel.: +49 203 803-4417
Fax: +49 203 803-4430