Duisburger Hafen AG
Head Office
Port number 3650
Alte Ruhrorter Straße 42–52
47119 Duisburg
Phone: +49 203 803-0
Fax: +49 203 803-4232
You would like more information or have a specific question?
Feel free to call us – we would be happy to connect you with the right contact person. Or send us a message using the contact form below.
duisport Group: Full-Service-Provider

Duisburger Hafen AG

LOGPORT Logistic-Center Duisburg GmbH

logport ruhr GmbH
duisport packing logistics GmbH
duisport agency GmbH
dfl duisport facility logistics GmbH
duisport consult GmbH

duisport rail GmbH

startport GmbH
Media contact

For press inquiries, appointments for TV and photo shoots, and in case you have questions about press releases, please contact us by e-mail at presse@duisport.de.
You can also use this e-mail address in order to be included in the media distribution list.
Please inform us if your contact details have changed.