duisport and Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene – Straße cooperate on operation of Duisburg freight hub
- Rail-road transshipment at the combined transport terminal in Duisburg (CT hub) starts in July
- duisport CEO Markus Bangen: “We are now getting started together”.
- Managing Director of Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene – Straße (DUSS) Alexander Stern: “Partnership for more climate-friendly freight transport”.
At the Duisburg CT hub of DUSS, cargo handling between rail and road will also be possible from July. For this purpose, duisport and DUSS, a subsidiary of DB Netz AG, have agreed on a partnership cooperation.
Starting in July, DUSS customers will be able to deliver truck trailers via the site of the future Duisburg Gateway Terminal (DGT). duisport will then transport them with terminal vehicles via Schlickstraße and Sympherstraße to the DUSS CT hub. Direct road access will then be available in Duisburg-Ruhrort from summer 2023.
” In good partnership, we have reached an agreement for more freight traffic on climate-friendly rail. This solution will enable us to handle goods delivered by truck even before the end of construction work on our own access road “, says Alexander Stern, Managing Director of DUSS. “In this way, we are promoting a modal shift from road to rail.”
“The solution now found is the result of trusting discussions between duisport, DB Netz and DUSS. The partners have worked hard to find a solution that benefits everyone. We are joining forces and are now getting started together,” says duisport CEO Markus Bangen. “We would also like to thank the city of Duisburg and the local politicians for supporting this interim solution. ”
The commissioning of the DB terminal is an important milestone in the course of the many local infrastructure measures which DUSS and duisport are currently pushing ahead with. The aim is to efficiently link the total of four future intermodal terminals in Ruhrort and Meiderich via roads within the port. Combined with intelligent traffic routing, this will relieve residents’ streets and noticeably reduce emissions and waiting times.
2021 年半年度资产负债表成果喜人 – Duisport 集装箱吞吐量呈两位数增长
- 货物总吞吐量略高于上年水平。
- 转运量的扩大巩固了市场地位。
在上半年结束时,Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport) 的集装箱货运量略高于上一年。2021 年上半年,集装箱吞吐量约为 220 万只标准集装箱,与去年相比增长了 10%。
联运吨数增长了 11%。船舶吞吐量高于上一年 5%,铁路吞吐量增长了 14%。
与前一年(200 万只标准集装箱)相比,取得这一增长的主要原因在于铁路运输的增长。该增长的一个特别重要的驱动因素就是与中国的货物贸易,以及与波兰和南欧的欧洲关系。
“这是一个非常积极的发展。“我们预计今年下半年联合运输也将强劲增长”,duisport 首席执行官 Erich Staake 强调说。“今年年底,我们很高兴能在 Logport VI 物流园区启用一座新的集装箱码头,这将进一步扩大杜伊斯堡的转运量。”
“集装箱、可互换货厢和拖车的处理已经占杜伊斯堡港货物总吞吐量的 60% 以上。在这个重要的增长领域,结构转变也取得了成功,”Erich Staake 总结说。
2021 年上半年的货物总吞吐量为 2,950 万吨,略高于上一年的结果(2020 年:2,920 万吨)。

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